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Interface: ProtocolReturnedUsageConfig

Usage Config information returned from the Protocol. This interface is exactly the same as the UsageConfig, except all the fields are snake cased instead of camel cased due to what the Protocol returns.



Optional account_creation_fields: Object

When calling create_account on the root account, which keypom args should be attached to the payload.

Type declaration

account_id_field?stringSpecifies what field Keypom should auto-inject the account that claimed the drop's ID into when calling the create_account function.
drop_id_field?stringSpecifies what field Keypom should auto-inject the drop's ID into when calling the create_account function.
funder_id_field?stringSpecifies what field Keypom should auto-inject the drop funder's account ID into when calling the create_account function.
key_id_field?stringSpecifies what field Keypom should auto-inject the key's ID into when calling the create_account function.

Defined in



Optional auto_delete_drop: boolean

When a key is used and deleted, if it results in the drop being empty, should the drop automatically be deleted? If this isn't specified, it defaults to false.

Defined in



Optional auto_withdraw: boolean

In the case where autoDeleteDrop is set to true and the drop is the owner's last, should their balance be automatically withdrawn? If this isn't specified, it defaults to false.

Defined in



Optional permissions: string

Specify which methods can be called by the access key (either claim or create_account_and_claim). If this isn't specified, both methods can be called.

Defined in



Optional refund_deposit: boolean

If the method claim is called rather than create_account_and_claim, should the deposit_per_use be refunded to the owner's balance? If this isn't specified, it defaults to false.

Defined in
