Interface: ProtocolReturnedKeyInfo
Key information returned from the Protocol. This interface is exactly the same as the KeyInfo
, except all the fields are
snake cased instead of camel cased due to what the Protocol returns.
allowance: number
How much allowance does the key have left (measured in $yoctoNEAR). When the key is deleted, this is refunded to the funder's balance.
Defined in
cur_key_use: number
Which use is the key currently on? For single-use keys, this is always 1.
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drop_id: string
Drop ID for the specific drop that the key belongs to.
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key_id: number
The unique ID associated to this key. IDs are not unique across drops but they are unique for any key in the drop.
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last_used: number
At what timestamp was the key last used? Measured in number of non-leap-nanoseconds since January 1, 1970 0:00:00 UTC.
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public_key: string
Public key for this access key.
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remaining_uses: number
How many uses this key has left before it's deleted.