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Fungible Token Drops

This part of the cookbook contains a quick overview on how to create an FT drop.

Getting Started

For the cookbook, you will need the following installed.

  1. Node JS
  2. Keypom JS SDK

These scripts will not run without the proper setup shown in the introduction page.

Creating a Fungible Token Drop

The process of creating an FT drop starts by checking if the funder has sufficient fungible tokens to actually create the drop. The amountToTransfer represents the total amount of FT to transfer for the entire drop. If you want to transfer 1 FT for 50 keys, amountToTransfer will be 50 fungible tokens. Next, this amount is compared to the funder's FT balance. Once that check is complete, then the FT drop can be created by including the ftData argument in createDrop.

// Note that drop funder must have enough FTs to fund drop.
// If amount is "3" and there are 4 keys, Funder FT balance must be more than 12
const { keys } = await createDrop({
account: fundingAccount,
numKeys: 1,
depositPerUseNEAR: 1,
ftData: {
contractId: FT_CONTRACT,
// This balance per use is balance of human readable FTs per use.
amount: "1"
// Alternatively, you could use absoluteAmount, which is dependant on the decimals value of the FT
// ex. if decimals of an ft = 8, then 1 FT token would be absoluteAmount = 100000000


Delete Drop

A drop can be deleted manually at any time using deleteDrops. This will refund all unclaimed key balances back to the drop funder's Keypom balance.

// Get all the drops for a given user
let drops = await getDrops({accountId: "minqi.testnet"});

// Delete all the drops currently funded by `minqi.testnet`
await deleteDrops({
account: fundingAccount,

// Delete 2 seperate drops given their IDs
await deleteDrops({
account: fundingAccount,
dropIds: ["123123123123123", "12391238012380123"]