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Time Configurations

Time configurations are particularly useful in defining limits on when a key may be used. This can have a wide range of applications from Subscriptions to Ticketing.

:::tip All these time parameters are measured in non-leap-nanoseconds and can be tricky to work with. An example struct has been provided [below](/docs/next/Concepts/KeypomProtocol/GithubReadme/TypesOfDrops/time-customization). :::


Default: none, Keys can be used anytime

Start time is useful for any drops where you intend to restrict access until a certain time. Setting a start time effectively sets an activation time; a time where the keys become usable afterwards. Before a start time is reached, if a user tries to claim the key or use create_account_and_claim, it will not work.

Use case

Let's say you are running a concert, and you want to give fans exclusive access using preferred and general admission tickets. Those with preferred admission tickets can enter anytime, even when the band is setting up. General admission, on the other hand, may only enter once the band is set up.

In this case, you would hand out general admission tickets with a start time in the time configurations and another set of preferred admission tickets with an earlier start time in the time configurations.

To do this, you would need to create two drops, one for preferred admission and another for general admission. This is because, as covered in the Drop Configurations Introduction, one set of configurations will apply to all keys in that drop.


Default: none, Keys can be used anytime

The end parameter acts as a deactivation time. This means that once the end time is reached, all the keys in the drop will be deactivated and can no longer be used.

Use case

Let's pretend that you are at NEARCON representing an NFT marketplace looking to onboard users onto your platform. Your strategy is to offer an exclusive NFT to users that sign up during NEARCON.

To do this, you hand out QR codes with an NFT drop embedded in the QR code during the event. To ensure that the users sign up during NEARCON, you set the drop configuration's end parameter to be the end of NEARCON.


Default: none, Keys can be used anytime

The throttle parameter controls how much time must pass between key uses. This works great if you want to control how frequently somebody is able to claim their assets.

Use case

Pretend you are running an NFT raffle for your latest creation, the MoonNFT. For this raffle, the 20th person claiming their key will be the winner and will receive their own personalized MoonNFT.

To protect again spam and ensure a fair playing field, you can configure the drop to have a 5 minute cooldown using the throttle parameter. This way, a contestant cannot spam claim the key to increase their odds of winning.


Default: none, Keys can be used anytime

The interval parameter is similar to the throttle parameter but uses the start time as a constant reference. This means if interval is every week, the key will become useable on the same day every week, regardless of when the last key use was.

Use case

Pretend you have a subscription to Moon's weekly dog biscuit delivery service that charges you every Monday. Due to all the horror stories of data breaches and identity theft, you now no longer give out your credit card information. For this reason, you wish to pay with $NEAR but the current linkdrop standard does not allow for a subscription model.

With Keypom, you can give Moon a multi-use simple drop with a throttle parameter set to 2 weeks. This way, Moon will only be able to claim every week, making it a subscription. This is also beneficial in giving a sense of security to Moon, as they can claim later than Monday and know that they will be able to claim again next Monday.

If, for one week, Moon forgets to claim, he would be able to claim twice the next week.

The massive benefit here is that you can have a subscription service in the NEAR ecosystem and never need to expose any of your private information.

Example Time Configuration

const ONE_SECOND_NS = 1e9;

time: {
// Start time is 30 seconds from now
start: ( * 1000000) + ONE_SECOND_NS * 30,

// End time is 5 minutes from start time
end: ( * 1000000) + ONE_SECOND_NS * 330,

// Time between use is 15 seconds
throttle: ONE_SECOND_NS * 15,

// Time after start for first use is 15 seconds
interval: ONE_SECOND_NS * 15,