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Fungible Token Drops

A Fungible Token drop is also a light wrapper around the simple drop. It works very similarly to how its NFT counterpart does. First, you'll need to create the drop and then you can fund it with assets and register key uses.

You can preload a drop with as many FTs as you'd like even if you don't have the keys yet. This will spike the registered_uses and then you can create keys and slowly eat away from this "total supply" overtime. If the drop runs out, you can send it more FTs to top up. All the keys in the FT drop will share from this supply and every time a key is used, the registered_uses will decrement and the "total supply" will get smaller.

How does it work?

As mentioned in the NFT section, every drop has a field known as registered_uses. This tells the contract how many uses the drop has across all its keys. For simple drops, this field doesn't matter since all the uses are paid for up-front when the drop is created or when keys are added. With FT drops, however, there is a 2 step process:

  • Firstly, the drop is created and all the $NEAR required is pre-paid for. This is the same as simple drops, however, the registered_uses are set to 0.
  • Once the drop is created, the owner must send the contract the FTs in order for keys to be usable. This process is done through the ft_transfer_call workflow baked into the FT standards. It's up to the owner to facilitate this process.

FT Config

Along with the default global configurations for drops, if you'd like to create a FT drop, you must specify the following pieces of information when the drop is created.


By specifying this information, the drop is locked into only accepting FTs coming from the sender and contract. While you can send as many FTs as you'd like and can over-pay, you must send at least enough FTs in one call to cover 1 use. As an example, if a drop is created such that 10 FTs will be sent when a key is used, you must send at least 10 and cannot break it up into separate calls where you send 5 one time and 5 another.

Use Cases

FT drops have some awesome flexibility due to the fact that they support all the functionalities of the Simple drops, just with more use-cases and possibilities. Let's look at some use cases to see how fungible token drops can be used.

Recurring Payments

Recurring payments are quite a common situation. Let's say you need to send someone $50 USDC every week. You could create a key with 5 claims that has a claim_interval` of 1 week. You would then pre-load maybe the first week's deposit of $50 USDC and register 1 use or you could send $500 USDC for the first 10 weeks. At that point, you would simply hand over the key to the user and they can claim once a week.

Backend Servers

Taking the recurring payments problem to another level, imagine that instead of leaving the claims up to the contractor, you wanted to automatically pay them through a backend server. They would give you their NEAR account and you would send them FTs. The problem is that you don't want to expose your full access key in the server. By creating a FT drop, you can store only the function call access key created by Keypom in the server. Your backend would them use the key to call the claim function and pass in the user's account ID to send them the FTs.

Creating a Wallet with FTs

Another awesome use-case is to allow users to be onboarded onto NEAR and also receive FTs. As an example, You could do a promotion where you're giving away $10 USDC to the first 100 users that sign up to your mailing list. You can also give away QR codes at events that contain a new fungible token that you're launching. You can simply create a FT drop and pre-load it with the FT of your choice. In addition, you can give it 0.02 $NEAR for new wallets that are created.

You can pair this with setting the on_claim_refund_deposit flag to true which would make it so that if anyone claims the fungible tokens and they already have a wallet, it will automatically refund you the 0.02 $NEAR. That money should only be used for the creation of new wallets. Since your focus is on the fungible tokens, you don't want to force users to create a new wallet if they have one already by specifying the claim permission to be CreateAccountAndClaim but instead, you want to be refunded in case they do.