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Testing the Drop


In the last section you designed and created a drop according to the specifications you learned about in the Solution Architecture.

In this tutorial, you'll create a generalized method that will determine whether or not to allow someone entry into the event. It will be used to both test the drop logic and power the core functionality of the ticketing app.

Starting at the keypom-docs-examples directory, navigate to advanced-tutorials/ticket-app-skeleton/utils folder and open the allowEntry.js file.

cd advanced-tutorials/ticket-app-skeleton/utils

This should show the following skeleton code.


Host Claiming Code

In order to test the drop logic, a utility function will be created to emulate the host scanning tickets at the door and will be used by the frontend.

The primary purpose of this function is to ingest a private key and password, and determine whether or not a ticket is valid. This means it will check for a few conditions before returning a success value.

  • The ticket is valid and has not been scanned yet.
  • The password entered by the host was correct and the claim was successful

The allowEntry utility function takes in a private key, and a basePassword.


Testing Logic

Now that the utility function has been created, it can be used to test the drop logic. This will be done in a new file called testTickDrop.js that will live in the same util directory. It will contain two different test functions:

  • wrongPasswordCheck - This will test the case where the wrong password is used to claim the ticket.
  • doubleClaimCheck - This is meant to check for invalid tickets. In this case, it will try to claim the same ticket twice in a row.

With both the drop created utility function defined, some code can be written to test the actual logic to ensure that the ticket claiming process works as expected. This will be broken down into phases, similar to the actual ticketing experience.

Wrong Password Check

The first phase of the ticketing experience can be labelled as pre-entry, when the attendee is looking to enter the event. Here, you want to ensure that only the host can allow them in, meaning the first key use must only be claimable with the correct password.

The following code can be used to test this logic, following the drop creation.


It's expected that after claiming with the incorrect password, allowEntry will return false since the key use remains at 1. However, once the correct password is provided, the allowEntry function should return true. In the tests, an assert function is used to ensure the proper behavior.

Preventing Multiple Entries

Once an attendee has been scanned into the event, they may try to give their ticket to someone else. To test and prevent this, allowEntry can be called multiple times on the same ticket. It is expected that the first call should return true but once it scans the same ticket again, false should be returned.


With the drop functionality tested, you can be confident in the logic behind the scenes and focus on the app behavior.

Full Code

Now that everything has been put together, the final code can be seen below.

Full Testing Code


Running the Script

Here, you'll learn how to run the code that was just covered, and what to expect. It's assumed that you have already cloned the code from the Keypom Docs Examples repo.


Prior to running these scripts, ensure you replace all instances of minqi.testnet with an account found in your ~/.near-credentials folder

To run the script, run the following command inside the keypom-docs-examples/advanced-tutorials/ticket-app-skeleton directory:

yarn test-ticket-drop

If you'd like to run the already completed code found in the ticket-app directory instead of the skeleton code, run the same yarn test-ticket-drop command but inside of the keypom-docs-examples/advanced-tutorials/ticket-app directory instead.

This should return a successful test after outputting logs:

Password Test Responses:
Expected false, got: false
Expected true, got: true

Double Claim Test Responses:
Expected true, got: true
Expected false, got: false
Full Script Output

Retrying transaction v2.keypom.testnet:2JdTtqWLNqLUjBL9CYJ1qkdUtYpDLXydvnCfHiW3LG3S with new nonce.
Receipts: DL3AwUHW22wqEvJ24Soh39Zgsa8iQhyNNKsqzfUggDCn, Dt1yEoGZ36avyKqwF82GL54emJkfmUx2AM3fUtkhC1Vv
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Current Block Timestamp: 1680294425065581261
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: 21 calls with 105000000000000 attached GAS. Pow outcome: 1.8602935. Required Allowance: 20248156910387200000000
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Total required storage Yocto 16330000000000000000000
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Current balance: 3.5921299,
Required Deposit: 0.2578263,
total_required_storage: 0.01633,
Drop Fee: 0,
Key Fee: 0 Total Key Fee: 0,
allowance: 0.0404963 total allowance: 0.0404963,
access key storage: 0.001 total access key storage: 0.001,
deposits less none FCs: 0.1 total deposits: 0.1 lazy registration: false,
deposits for FCs: 0.1 total deposits for FCs: 0.1,
uses per key: 2
None FCs: 1,
length: 1
GAS to attach: 100000000000000
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: New user balance 3.3343036
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Fees collected 0
Retrying transaction nft-v2.keypom.testnet:2iHrE9ooY2N4kUn9eqsScAyNjXkRkUBiQdzxYsXwFawm with new nonce.
Receipts: 6jzxKRXmGjrtSKP9V38puWLZPcDHaVYRrohtj29rsMxR, FCmjrSPxuyKEXdghJAkrz8H8AH3GaCPnceoZKuHazmrN
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Current Block Timestamp: 1680294427597789158
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: 21 calls with 105000000000000 attached GAS. Pow outcome: 1.8602935. Required Allowance: 20248156910387200000000
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Total required storage Yocto 16330000000000000000000
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Current balance: 3.6040689,
Required Deposit: 0.2578263,
total_required_storage: 0.01633,
Drop Fee: 0,
Key Fee: 0 Total Key Fee: 0,
allowance: 0.0404963 total allowance: 0.0404963,
access key storage: 0.001 total access key storage: 0.001,
deposits less none FCs: 0.1 total deposits: 0.1 lazy registration: false,
deposits for FCs: 0.1 total deposits for FCs: 0.1,
uses per key: 2
None FCs: 1,
length: 1
GAS to attach: 100000000000000
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: New user balance 3.3462426
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Fees collected 0
Retrying transaction nft-v2.keypom.testnet:CysD3CnodxvarnxUpQKKWWV1x9uhjEkCbWosy1DuDo7D with new nonce.

Ticket Links:


Ticket Links:


Claiming with wrong password...
Receipt: BHH2ENLdWLpYDQDD8SmgbAXzVFGi9odnGwhgHxg6ifCR
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Beginning of process claim used gas: 479192976105 prepaid gas: 100000000000000
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: passed global check
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: hashed password: [97, 68, 238, 197, 167, 108, 73, 163, 74, 105, 140, 127, 22, 87, 3, 98, 76, 179, 110, 208, 118, 51, 58, 3, 88, 44, 22, 240, 45, 89, 85, 65]
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: actualPass password: [61, 214, 44, 95, 159, 234, 2, 185, 182, 48, 134, 31, 65, 88, 184, 51, 51, 13, 201, 173, 75, 158, 56, 59, 33, 46, 185, 178, 239, 3, 44, 94] cur use: 1
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Incorrect password. Decrementing allowance by 1244250690277300000000. Used GAS: 2442506902773
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Allowance is now 39252063130497100000000
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Invalid claim. Returning.
Claim has failed, check password
claiming with correct password...
Receipt: 4gAycg2B1jVNoJtUT3snHWDA1Ffdkxt1oPu8vH1TwoSC
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Beginning of process claim used gas: 479192976105 prepaid gas: 100000000000000
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: passed global check
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: hashed password: [61, 214, 44, 95, 159, 234, 2, 185, 182, 48, 134, 31, 65, 88, 184, 51, 51, 13, 201, 173, 75, 158, 56, 59, 33, 46, 185, 178, 239, 3, 44, 94]
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: actualPass password: [61, 214, 44, 95, 159, 234, 2, 185, 182, 48, 134, 31, 65, 88, 184, 51, 51, 13, 201, 173, 75, 158, 56, 59, 33, 46, 185, 178, 239, 3, 44, 94] cur use: 1
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: passed local check
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Key usage last used: 0 Num uses: 2 (before)
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Key has 1 uses left. Decrementing allowance by 10000000000000000000000. Allowance left: 29252063130497100000000
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Total storage freed: 0. Initial storage: 33083530. Final storage: 33083530
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Empty function call. Returning.
Receipts: D2TGQDXYR4um28CgTt8Z1aU1LMSABMChW9MZJPfVBcpd, 7FKbgHx6eFnfMM15B1Tw7U8wpeQe2WKwYUQG7Hbqe69L
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Current Block Timestamp: 1680294442058016014
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: 21 calls with 105000000000000 attached GAS. Pow outcome: 1.8602935. Required Allowance: 20248156910387200000000
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Total required storage Yocto 16330000000000000000000
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Current balance: 3.6160078,
Required Deposit: 0.2578263,
total_required_storage: 0.01633,
Drop Fee: 0,
Key Fee: 0 Total Key Fee: 0,
allowance: 0.0404963 total allowance: 0.0404963,
access key storage: 0.001 total access key storage: 0.001,
deposits less none FCs: 0.1 total deposits: 0.1 lazy registration: false,
deposits for FCs: 0.1 total deposits for FCs: 0.1,
uses per key: 2
None FCs: 1,
length: 1
GAS to attach: 100000000000000
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: New user balance 3.3581815
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Fees collected 0

Ticket Links:


Claiming with correct password...
Receipt: G7y6MWapxNwCCmCPAQ6iRWdvT292dq8hWp8ZQAnTbXwQ
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Beginning of process claim used gas: 479192976105 prepaid gas: 100000000000000
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: passed global check
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: hashed password: [105, 193, 27, 134, 73, 227, 30, 80, 12, 73, 201, 126, 217, 0, 80, 239, 38, 5, 216, 62, 44, 177, 19, 137, 73, 50, 159, 32, 38, 11, 59, 94]
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: actualPass password: [105, 193, 27, 134, 73, 227, 30, 80, 12, 73, 201, 126, 217, 0, 80, 239, 38, 5, 216, 62, 44, 177, 19, 137, 73, 50, 159, 32, 38, 11, 59, 94] cur use: 1
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: passed local check
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Key usage last used: 0 Num uses: 2 (before)
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Key has 1 uses left. Decrementing allowance by 10000000000000000000000. Allowance left: 30496313820774400000000
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Total storage freed: 0. Initial storage: 33085324. Final storage: 33085324
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Empty function call. Returning.
claiming the same key twice...
Key has already been scanned. Admission denied

Password Test Responses:
Expected false, got: false
Expected true, got: true

Double Claim Test Responses:
Expected true, got: true
Expected false, got: false

✨ Done in 26.50s.


So far, you've learned how to set up your React app, as well as break down the ticketing system into functional requirements. You then took those requirements and wrote a script to create the drop.

In the next tutorial, the ticketing process will be broken down into stages for both the user side and event organizer side. From there, the flow of the app, and the Keypom variables that control it, can be established.