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Simple Drop


In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple $NEAR drop from scratch. By embedding $NEAR in a Web2 style link, the simple drop allows you to onboard both existing and new users.

Being the simplest Keypom drop type, it acts as the foundation for the other 3 kinds of Keypom drops. Despite this, the simple drop opens the door to more complex use cases such as subscription services.

Near Wallet claim

To learn more about the Simple Drop, see the concepts page


For the basic tutorials, you can choose to run the scripts on your own machine. To do so, you must have the following:

  1. Node JS
  3. Keypom JS SDK

With this tutorial, you can either create your own script by following along, or view the completed script available in the Keypom Documentation Examples repo.

Creating your Project

In this section, you're going to create your project and install the SDK to prepare for the tutorial. If you have a completed script and have installed the SDK, you can skip forward.

First, you need to give your project a home.

mkdir my-keypom-project && cd my-keypom-project

Next, you'll want to create a default package.json file using the following command. You can accept all default values.

npm init

At this point, your project structure should look like this.

├── package.json

If you open package.json, you should see this.

Default package.json

"name": "my-keypom-project",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC"

The next step is to create an empty JavaScript file.

touch simple-keypom.js

Finally, the last step is to install the Keypom JS SDK.

npm install @keypom/core

After installing the SDK, your package.json file should now look slightly different.

package.json after installing the SDK

"name": "my-keypom-project",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"@keypom/core": "^1.0.0"

With these steps complete, your project folder should look like this.

├── simple-keypom.js
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── node_modules
│ └── @keypom/core
│ └── ...

You are now ready to begin creating your drop!

Breaking Down the Problem

Creating a simple drop is a four step process:

1) Establish a connection to the NEAR blockchain.
2) Create a set of access keys where the assets will be stored.
3) Use the Keypom SDK to create the drop.
4) Create linkdrops.

The following skeleton code can be used as a starting point:

// Each of the two methods to create this drop will have their own unique set of imports

// Imports used in the Keypom SDK method:
const { initKeypom, createDrop, getEnv, formatLinkdropUrl } = require("@keypom/core");
const { UnencryptedFileSystemKeyStore } = require("@near-js/keystores-node");
const { connect, Near } = require("@near-js/wallet-account");
const path = require("path");
const homedir = require("os").homedir();

// Imports used in the NEAR-API-JS method:
const { parseNearAmount } = require("@near-js/utils");
const { KeyPair } = require("@near-js/crypto")
const { Near } = require("@near-js/wallet-account");
const { Account } = require("@near-js/accounts");
const { UnencryptedFileSystemKeyStore } = require("@near-js/keystores-node");
const path = require("path");
const homedir = require("os").homedir();

async function simpleDropKeypom(){
// STEP 1: Initiate a NEAR connection.

// STEP 2: Create a set of access keys

// STEP 3: Create the drop.

// STEP 4: Create linkdrops


Getting Started - Connecting to NEAR

The first step to create a Keypom drop is connecting to the NEAR blockchain.

This is done with NEAR-API-JS and consists of the following steps:

1) Create a Keystore, which stores your access keys used to sign transactions

  • select a network, either testnet or mainnet
  • choose a location where the keypairs live, either a folder on your local machine, or in-memory

2) Define a NEAR configuration using the Keystore
3) Use the configuration to initialize a connection to NEAR

More information about this process can be found here.


For simplicity, this tutorial will choose a file-based keystore and point to the ~/.near-credentials folder on your local machine since this is where most of your keys are stored. For more information about KeyStores, visit NEAR's official docs.


Creating the Simple Drop

Now that the connection to the NEAR blockchain is set up, the next step is to create the Keypairs and the drop using the Keypom SDK.

initKeypom initializes the SDK to allow for interactions with the Keypom smart contracts. Without it, none of the other SDK functions would work as expected. If a NEAR connection is not already present, it will initialize a new one for you. More info on the initKeypom function can be found here.

After initKeypom is called, the key generation and drop creation can be done. These two tasks are combined into one function, createDrop. This function can be either given a set of pre-created keypairs, or it can generate them automatically based on the numKeys parameter.


Recall that the private keys being generated are used to store the assets. These keys are then embedded within a link.

In a Simple Drop, the assest is $NEAR.

To see what the SDK is doing behind the scenes, a NEAR-API-JS equivalent NodeJS script has been provided.


All function parameters and default values for the SDK and Keypom functions can be found in the SDK Typedocs. For NEAR-API-JS functions, their arguments can be found here

Creating Linkdrops

The last step in this process is to create the links themselves so that you can easily distribute the assets to people. This is done by embedding the private key, containing the $NEAR, into the link along with the Keypom contract ID.

With the Keypom SDK, this is all neatly wrapped up in the function formatLinkdropUrl. You just need to provide the base URL format and the private key you wish to embed.


Full Solution

Now that everything has been put together, the final code can be seen below.



Running the Script

Here, you'll learn how to run the code that was just covered, and what to expect.

To view the completed code, clone the Keypom Docs Examples repository and navigate to the basic-tutorials/simple-drop.

git clone && cd keypom-docs-examples/basic-tutorials/simple-drop

From there, you can and open the simple-example.js file.

To run the code you just cloned, return to the keypom-docs-examples directory and install all the necessary packages.

cd .. && cd .. && yarn

Prior to running these scripts, ensure you replace all instances of keypom-docs-demo.testnet in the script with the credentials of your account found in your ~/.near-credentials folder

From there, you can run this Simple Drop script that was made in this tutorial using the following command:

yarn basic:simple:keypom

The SDK script is being tested here; use yarn basic:simple:naj to test the NEAR-API-JS script instead.

This should return a successful drop creation and console log a Public Key and Linkdrop:

Public Keys:  [ 'ed25519:CsTpJ3pSZUkkcfVEsA6Fqkgz6BFgmhNfCGzPuqdj24wc' ]
Linkdrops: [
Keypom Contract Explorer Link:

To see the full console log from this drop creation, see the expandable section below.

Console Log of Test

Receipts: GZegewWCTMfpKWZ8ffpVkRb3fLYjyfnyCvqRRmwRkKSt, 3tueZ12bwu86EYEgPVaMjQJuSUNfWcwnDENQGk6jGzmo
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Current Block Timestamp: 1682352132162930850
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: 21 calls with 105000000000000 attached GAS. Pow outcome: 1.8602935. Required Allowance: 20248156910387200000000
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Total required storage Yocto 11170000000000000000000
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Current balance: 8.2496314,
Required Deposit: 1.0324181,
total_required_storage: 0.01117,
Drop Fee: 0,
Key Fee: 0 Total Key Fee: 0,
allowance: 0.0202481 total allowance: 0.0202481,
access key storage: 0.001 total access key storage: 0.001,
deposits less none FCs: 1 total deposits: 1 lazy registration: false,
deposits for FCs: 0 total deposits for FCs: 0,
uses per key: 1
None FCs: 0,
length: 1
GAS to attach: 100000000000000
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: New user balance 7.2172133
Log [v2.keypom.testnet]: Fees collected 0
Public Keys: [ 'ed25519:CsTpJ3pSZUkkcfVEsA6Fqkgz6BFgmhNfCGzPuqdj24wc' ]
Linkdrops: [
Keypom Contract Explorer Link:

Claiming and Explorer Transactions

Once you click the link, it will take you to the following NEAR Wallet page, where you will have the choice to claim with an existing account or create a new one.

Near Wallet claim

To check the transactions, click the final link in the console log when you run the script.

Keypom Contract Explorer Link:

From there, you should be able to see the create_drop and claim transactions.

explorer transactions


In this tutorial, you learned the basic steps of creating a simple drop, steps to initialize a NEAR blockchain connection, and how to create the keys and drop. You also learned the purpose of the initKeypom function and when to use it. Once the drop was created, you constructed a valid linkdrop using the private keys in order to claim the assets.

In the next tutorial, you'll be learning how to create and fund an NFT drop using the Keypom SDK.