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Interface: Method

Outlines the information needed for any given method as part of a Function-Call drop. Each individual key use can have an array of Methods that can be called.



Optional accountIdField: string

Specifies what field Keypom should auto-inject the account that claimed the drop's ID into when calling the function. As an example, if the methodName was nft_mint and it expected a field receiver_id to be passed in, indicating who should receive the token, then the accountIdField would be receiver_id. To insert into nested objects, use periods to separate. For example, to insert into args.metadata.field, you would specify "metadata.field"

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args: string

What arguments should be passed to the method. This should be in stringified JSON.

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attachedDeposit: string

How much yoctoNEAR should be attached to the call.

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Optional attachedGas: string

How much gas to attach to this method call. If none, all the gas is split between the parallel method calls in a given claim. If this is specified, the key can ONLY be used to call claim and no deposit_per_use can be specified. This leads the key to act like a method calling proxy instead of a linkdrop.

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Optional dropIdField: string

Specifies what field Keypom should auto-inject the drops ID into when calling the function. As an example, if an NFT contract expected the Keypom drop ID to be passed in as the field keypom_drop_id in order to gate access to who can mint NFTs, then the dropIdField would be keypom_drop_id. To insert into nested objects, use periods to separate. For example, to insert into args.metadata.field, you would specify "metadata.field"

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Optional funderIdField: string

Specifies what field Keypom should auto-inject the drop funder's account ID into when calling the function. As an example, if an NFT contract wanted to gate only users that had a key coming from a specific funder's drops, it could expect a field called keypom_funder_id and the funderIdField would be keypom_funder_id. To insert into nested objects, use periods to separate. For example, to insert into args.metadata.field, you would specify "metadata.field"

Defined in



Optional keyIdField: string

Specifies what field Keypom should auto-inject the key's ID into when calling the function. As an example, if an NFT contract wanted to gate only users with an odd key ID to be able to mint an NFT and their parameter was called keypom_key_id, then the keyIdField would be keypom_key_id. To insert into nested objects, use periods to separate. For example, to insert into args.metadata.field, you would specify "metadata.field"

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methodName: string

The method that should be invoked on the receiverId's contract.

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receiverId: string

The account ID that the contract is deployed to that the method will be called on.

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Optional receiverToClaimer: boolean

If set to true, the claiming account ID will be the receiver ID of the method call. This receiver must be a valid account and non-malicious (cannot be set to the keypom contract)

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Optional userArgsRule: "AllUser" | "FunderPreferred" | "UserPreferred"

What permissions does the user have when providing custom arguments to the function call? By default, the user cannot provide any custom arguments

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